Digital Preservation (11)


Mastodon and the DigiPres Club

A little while back, I changed my display name on Twitter. Besides my actual name (all your anonymity is belong to us), I added on a second handle: What is And why are myself and some other, potentially familiar-to-you users promoting it on…

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DigiPres Machines

Early this summer, the department learned a development proposal we had submitted to improve MIAP's computer hardware was successfully funded. This was excellent news - our video digitization stations were not the only piece of equipment that had started lagging a bit and creating choke…

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Upgrading Video Digitization Stations

In the primary MIAP lab we have four Mac Pro stations set up mainly for video digitization and capture. They get most heavily used during our two Video Preservation courses: Video Preservation I, which focuses on technical principles and practice of digitization from analog video…

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Changing a CMOS Battery

Computers, computers, computers. I knew becoming a "technician" meant that I would learn more about computers and how they work, but I admit when I took an archival post I thought it might involve more film and analog video tech. Not that I don't work…

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Windows Subsystem for Linux - What's the Deal?

This past summer, Microsoft released its "Anniversary Update" for Windows 10. It included a lot of the business-as-usual sort of operating system updates: enhanced security, improved integration with mobile devices, updates to Microsoft's "virtual assistant" Cortana (who is totally not named after a video game AI character who…

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